Ask Terry Questions social security survivor benefits

social security survivor benefits

By Terry Savage on December 27, 2022 | Financial Planning / Retirement

both spouses worked now age 79.He is working part time she is retired, his ss benefit=2500.00 hers is 1200.00 now .He started draw at 69 she at 65.If he dies what will her benefit become? We have always lived in Illinois. Hope to get your reply……Happy Holidays

Terry Says

The surviving spouse will get his/her own benefit — or an additional amount by which the deceased spouse’s benefits was greater than their own. Except that if the decedent received benefits after full retirement age, the surviving spouse is entitled only to the benefits the deceased would have received AT full retirement age.
So, in the example above, his current $2500 benefit is slightly larger than he would have received at his full retirement age — 67+. (But good for you for waiting!). So if she survives him, she will receive her benefit, plus the difference of his benefit from his full retirement age.

AARP puts it succinctly: “When you are eligible for two benefits, such as a survivor benefit and a retirement payment, Social Security doesn’t add them together but rather pays you the higher of the two amounts.”



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