Ask Terry Questions Special Needs Trust

Special Needs Trust

By Terry Savage on May 27, 2015 | Wild Card

Terry, I do not have a question, just a comment on your article on planning for the future of a special needs child. Thank you for bringing up this subject of which many parents are very unaware of the consequences of leaving their estate to a child with special needs. My husband and I set up a special needs trust for our daughter back in 2002. She has now just turned 30. We consulted with Theresa Varnet after I had heard about her on WGN. It’s the best thing we ever did and we can now have peace of mind if we should pass on even though we were relatively young at the time. At that point in time not many people had heard of this type of trust, especially in our rural area. At the time we did not have a will either, so we had Theresa do everything. Which was a trip into Chicago (60 miles away), but well worth it. We’ve accomplished the first 3 things on the list, but now will tackle the last two. Thank you again for broaching this subject that people really do not want to think about. I will be passing on your article to other parents of special needs children/adult

Terry Says:  OK, you’ve made my day!  Nothing makes me happier than realizing I have helped a few people lead a better life!  I don’t know Theresa, but let me remind me that my great resource is, website of expert Mary Anne Ehlert.  Thanks for writing.



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