SS spousal benefit
Dear Terry , I had been in SS for disability . This last February I received a letter from SS that regular benefits will start due to turning 66 .
I took advice from you to claim on my husbands SS. This took 3 phone calls to arrange a phone meeting . The first of those calls was a young man & he stated I would get $18 less , which for me was fine if I get 20% more as I remember you said when it came time to claim my own.
This week on Wednesday I had that call , that women called it ( spousal benefits ) & said I’d receive $200 more a month. I said that’s the opposite if what I was told. She said I HAD to claim SS .
My ? Is , is this a 3rd. way to claim SS . Do you think it’s on my number & not my husbands?
Thank You in advance ,
Terry Says
OK, your situation is so complicated I don’t want to give you a fourth, and possibly wrong, opinion.
Instead go to and sign up for the “household” version for $40 — you get to ask questions, and I think that’s the best way to get the correct answer! Larry Kotlikoff is the recognized expert on Social Security benefits!