Ask Terry Questions stimulas payment if account closed

stimulas payment if account closed

By Terry Savage on January 01, 2021 | Wild Card

hi so when i filed my taxes last year i was with whatbis now my ex girlfriend and she helped me file my state taxes and im assuming she put her address in as to where i was living at the time and sence then i have moved out and had to close my bank account that my taxes where directly deposited in because she stole my check book and wrote her self a check out of it so my question is how can i get my new stimulas check of 600 if the irs does not have my current bank account information or address how will i get it is there a way i can give them my new information cause if they send the check to my old bank account number and bounces because its a closed account would they send it to her address i just dont want her to steal that to and sign it off to herself please help me

Terry Says

There’s not much you can do right now, if the IRS sends out a check. If it bounces because of a closed account, they will send it to the mailing address on your most recent return. But do try to complete a 2020 tax return as soon as the forms are out in late January. Then if you haven’t received the stimulus check for $600 you can claim it as a refundable credit on your 2020 return.



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