Ask Terry Questions Stimulus Check

Stimulus Check

By Terry Savage on January 18, 2021 | Wild Card

Received Stimulus ( $1200 – rather promptly, via check – the Treasury type, “IBM-Card” style ) I receive SS Retirement via Direct Deposit, since 2016. I wonder what method is used to determine by what “style” the money is received? Shall I receive the $600? Or, shall I receive the $2000 – ( income is same as last year ) and also, must I file Stimulus money for Income Tax filing? I am a minimum-wage, part-time worker, with the added SS Retirement, monthly, of $1052 – to be increased to $1066 due to Cost of Living index. Thanks. I hear you on WGN and I admire your dedication to diligence and to impart to public what we must know about : Un-ethical practices, political delays, crookedness, ID Theft….You are so busy, I assume, so thanks again. I do not own a computer, and was able to file my taxes via computer at library, although I had to hurry for the deadline of July 15th, and I used Turbo Tax, which IRS site referred me to. One could not go in person to any site, such as HW College, who offered this service with volunteer accountants each year. So, another question: Where do those who have no computer receive assistance?

Terry Says

First read this on claiming the original stimulus and the new $600 stimulus. It will likely come the same way you get your other benefits. You will only get $600 this time around. but if you haven’t received it by mid-February, the IRS FreeFile program is available to you. Ask at the library where you do your taxes. You will file for the $600 on Line 30 of your 2020 return. It will be sent to you in March as a tax credit refund.



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