Ask Terry Questions Tax refund

Tax refund

By Terry Savage on March 31, 2021 | Wild Card

The IRS hasn’t paid my wife her tax refund from 2019 and she also hasn’t gotten anything back from 2020. On top of that she hasn’t gotten her second or third stimulus check.
Lastt year when she was still able to get through to someone they kept telling her that her 2019 refund would be coming in August, then September, the October and then finally November but still nothing… It’s impossible to get through and speak with anyone now and we still haven’t received any letters telling us why this is happening. What are our options? What can we do in this situation?

Terry Says

First, she is not alone in not receiving her 2019 refund. The head of the IRS just said they are trying to get all2019 refunds out by midsummer (2021!)
Did she file electronically for 2020? If so, she should get her refund within a few weeks — IF she gave her direct deposit banking information on her 2020 return.
AND,she should have claimed the $600 January check on Line 30 when she filed her 2020 return! If not, amend that return to claim a credit for $600.
And plenty of people are still waiting for the current $1400. Again, it helped to have your banking info on your return.



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