Ask Terry Questions The market

The market

By Terry Savage on January 28, 2021 | Investments

In your opinion, is it time to take some profits off the table and set the cash aside for a quarter or two until we get a better sense of where the market may be going and where the Federal government is leaning? Thank you

Terry Says

I never try to “time” the stock market. You have to be right THREE times — when to get out, when to get back in again, and when to get out again. I know I’m not that good.
Instead, I try to allocate enough money to the overall stock market to benefit from the long term uptrend that is America–and have enough cash (chicken money) on the sidelines to sleep through the ups and downs peacefully.

Of course, the older you get, the more chicken money you need. Until you have enough money for your lifetime, and once again start investing for the very long run of your heirs’ lifetime!



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