Thrift roll over to Roth ira Don’t trust banks!
I do not trust banks I would like to know the best way to roll over thrift into Roth IRA don’t trust banks what about fidelity those investment places
Terry Says
You SHOULD trust banks! They are the safest place for your money. Your account is insured up to $250,000.
So let’s start there.
Now, do you already have an IRA at a bank or Savings & Loan? If you do, and you want to move it to Fidelity, call 1-800-FIDELITY and ask to speak to a retirement rollover specialist. They will handle the rollover for you. You can either leave it in a money market fund to earn a bit of interest. Or you can invest it in a stock mutual fund where, of course,there is a risk of loss as well as potential gains. That decision will be up to you!