Unemployment Benefits
Hello Terry. I have been receiving benefits since May of 2020. I had to start taking my retirement benefit as of May 1. 2021. I am making $349.79 a month in retirement. I certified for unemployment on Tuesday May 11 and to date have not received my unemployment benefits nor have I received a return phone call from IDES or a letter. I count on this money to pay bills. etc. Are my benefits reduced or stopped completely because of my retirement benefits. It’s not a huge amount. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Terry Says
If you are receiving retirement benefits from the company on which you based your unemployment claim, you are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits! Your past employer should have notified you of this impact,and perhaps given you a choice to roll over your retirement benefits and delay withdrawals if that was a possible alternative. But they get dinged for every ex-worker claiming unemployment, so they didn’t give you that info is my guess!