unemployment — can’t get extension
My unemployment ran out Sept. 2020. I contacted Il. Unemployment in January 2021 , when I realized there may be an extension. I left all my information and never heard back.
I was employed as a seasonal worker Feb 16 to April 13, 2021. I went on the unemployment website and tried to apply again. I cannot do anything because it says PENDING since January 2021 . Is there anything else I can do ?
Terry Says
Below is the e3xplanation from the IDES website of what’s supposed to happen AUTOMATICALLY when benefits “run out”!!
But for most people it is an impossible struggle to get the e4xtension they deserve. i wish a class action attorney would join me in taking on IDES. I have plenty of ammunition for him/her!!
From the IDES Website:
Exhausting Benefits and Receiving an Extension (PEUC and EB)
I have exhausted my rights to regular unemployment insurance (UI). Are additional benefits available because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Yes. Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) is a temporary program that provides additional weeks of benefits for claimants who exhaust all 26 weeks of their original regular UI benefits. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) extended PEUC through September 4, 2021. If you previously exhausted your PEUC benefits, the additional payments cannot be backdated for weeks prior to March 14, 2021.
If I exhaust all of my weeks of Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), are there any other extensions?
If you exhaust PEUC and the state is triggered “on” to Extended Benefits (EB), you may be eligible to receive EB. Depending on the unemployment rate, the law provides for either 13 or 20 additional weeks of EB. In most cases, if you qualify, you will be automatically moved to this program.
Do I have to file an application for Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) or Extended Benefits (EB)?
Most eligible claimants will automatically be moved between programs. A few claimants who live in other states may receive notice that they must file an additional application.
I am currently receiving Extended Benefits (EB). What happens if I exhaust EB, or EB triggers off?
Claimants on EB as of March 11, 2021 will remain on EB. When they exhaust EB, or EB triggers off, they will transition back to PEUC, which was extended through September 4, 2021.