Ask Terry Questions Unsolicited pre-paid Visa card

Unsolicited pre-paid Visa card

By Terry Savage on May 27, 2021 | Wild Card

I received an unsolicited prepaid Visa card from Green Dot Bank with a return address P.O. Box 433328 in Palm Coast FL. The address is correct but the name is not mine and is not known to me. In March 2021 I received a letter from IDES stating that I had applied for Unemployment benefits and if eligible, the payment method would be “pending debit card”. Following your advice, I filed a fraud claim with IDES and in April received a letter stating I was not eligible for benefits. Are these events related, am I victim of identity theft, what should I do with the credit card and what are my next steps?

Terry Says

Do nothing with the card,but stash it away in a bottom drawer. Then make sure you do EVERYTHING on this list!



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finance question