Volatile market
Terry, Question with the market being so volatile my husband and I are retiring at the end of the year with no debit, about 40,000 in cash in the bank, 1,200,000 in investments/401K and 62,000 projected in social security . Looking to draw approximately 60,000 yearly from investments. We’re 51% in stocks. How should we proceed? Should we remove some of our exposure from stocks?
Terry Says
That’s the job of a financial planner — to review all your assets and your spending needs. Please find one at Wealthramp.com –where you will be matched with a FIDUCIARY, fee-only, certified financial planner –who is not trying to sell you anything. They will help you set up an investment allocation that makes sense. I can’t do that on the fly!
As for the market, I believe in an old saying: Sell down to the sleeping point!