Ask Terry Questions Why all the job openings and no one wants to work?

Why all the job openings and no one wants to work?

By Terry Savage on September 23, 2022 | Taxes & Economy

I’m a financially responsible 72 year old who worked full time from age 16 to 64 than some part time. I’m appalled & confused by the # of job openings. Has the % of younger aged people on disability increased significantly?

Terry Says

Disability is even harder to get these days. I think that the workforce has shrunk with baby boomers retiring — some sooner than they planned because of the pandemic — and fewer immigrants to do the jobs Americans don’t want to do! But economists are debating how people are living if they are out of the workforce. Unemployment benefits have dropped back to “normal” and no more stimulus checks. It’s a great economic mystery about where our “workforce” went!



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