Chicken Money Page 43

Chicken Money Questions


Hi Terry – I keep seeing these ads in the Trib from Sun Cities financial offering a six month cd..

Which bank has 6% interest for $10,000 deposit And what government website do you use

Which band has 6% interest for $10,000 deposit. And what government website do you use. Is it safe to give..


I have 100,000 in a savings account that making me nothing,what could I do with that money so it could..

renew CD or wait?

I have some small Cd’s coming due. Would it be wise to cash them in and put it in a..

Cashier check

55, have a 10,000 cashiers check should I put in my 401?

Emergency fund in Vanguard muni bonds?

Hello Terry, I have my emergency funds in VWALX, Vanguard Muni fund. I put it there since saving account rates..

Savings Bonds Redemption

My deceased father left me Savings Bonds with me listed as POD. I attempted to cash a few of the..

online savings account

Hi Terry. I listen to you on WGN every Wednesday on the 12 noon business hour. My question is what..

Emergency funds

I read that a retiree should have 2 years in emergency funds. Where shall I keep these funds, ie: money..

Cashing in US Savings Bonds

Is there a penalty when you cash in savings bonds after the final termination date when you are doing you..

Treasury bonds

Bought the 10,000$ limit of I-bonds.CanI buy more next year?Also can wife buy too?Didn’t see anywhere to add beneficiaries, did..

IBond Questions

Thank you for helping everyone! I tune in all the time. I bought the Ibond. I understand the rate is..

Series I bonds

Is the 7% interest rate an annual rate or a “life of the bond” rate? It seems like if I..

Series I Savings bonds

On WGN last week you talked about the new Series I Savings bonds. You said the limit for them was..

Government I bonds

Hi I sold my house 5 months ago, I wanted to invest some of the money! I don’t want to..

I-Bonds Beneficiaries

Dear Terry, My husband & I own some I-Bonds with each of us as beneficiaries. Since we are up in..

Cashing Savings Bonds

Went to cash a matured US Bond at our U.S.Bank,we were told they no longer cashed them due to an..

Savings Bonds Series EE from Deceased parent

Hello. My father passed away in 2001 and he had these savings bonds. How and where do I go to..

Series I Bonds

Hi Terry – I heard you on John Williams show on WGN and I thought you said the the interest..

Saving Bonds — Series EE

I have EE series Bonds So are old the youngest Bonds about 10 years old.What should I do with them,THANKS.I..



a personal
finance question