
By Terry Savage on January 29, 2017 | Credit/Debt

hi, I am being sued, by a collection agency, I am on disability, they filled the first time in October 2010, I am blind and did not attend the hearing. Now, today I received a summons, they moved the venue to a court house near my house. What is the worst thing that can happen, considering I'm on a fixed income. Thank you Anthony

Terry Says

Well, if they sue and you own your own house, there could be a lien place on your house.   But if you have no other assets, and have not "reaffirmed" that you owe the debt by paying anything, then there's little they can do except to aggravate you.  But that aggravation could be horrible.  SO,  please countact attorney Jerry Lamet at They specialize in debt counseling for seniors and the disabled.  First thing in the morning (I'm writing on Sunday evening) call them at  800-992-3275 ext. 1304 .  Use my name and say you need IMMEDIATE help, and explain your situation.  Depending on your state of residence they can give you more specific advice.

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