Ask Terry Questions 1st time Medicare Enrollment

1st time Medicare Enrollment

By Terry Savage on November 16, 2021 | Insurance & Annuities

Terry, I will be 65 in mid March 2022. I think I need to sign up 90 days in advance and plan to select traditional Medicare. Is there an advantage to enrolling before year end because of plan changes into 2022? I’m still working and have private insurance coverage. Will Medicare be my primary or secondary coverage? Could I save some money and drop my private coverage? Probably not. Thanks!

Terry Says

You should start the enrollment process now, giving March 1st as your start date. Yes, you might have a two-week overlap. The delay means you won’t have to start making payments for a few months.
Whether you need to sign up for Medicare Part B, depends on your coverage at work — and whether your employer plan covers at least 20 participants Weird, but if you are with a smaller group plan, then you must sign up for Part B and start paying the premiums, even though you have employer coverage. Your employer insurance becomes supplementary.
BUT, I would recommend signing up for a supplement at the same time you get Part B because you cannot be denied the most comprehensive supplement (likely plan G).
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