Can’t Contact IRS
I received a letter from the IRS telling me that they have “misapplied payments totalling $1,385.00” from my 2021 Tax Return. I have been given one week to contact the IRS to sned them another payment, plus an additional $4.78.
I have tried their phone number and nothing gets through. The one time I got through they said they’d call me back in 90 minutes, and I never heard back.
So I went to the web site. Nowehere does it allow you to ask a question, or even search for possible IRS scams, as I suspect this may be.
So I looked up my local IRS office in Downers Grove, trying to make an appointment. I called their phone number and it says “Due to high call volumes we cannot handle you call. Call back tomorrow or next week”. I cannot even find out whether this office is even OPEN, to even receive my message!
This is TOTALLY out of control!
I listen to you at least three times a week and I have no answers. How do you deal with an agency that is so un-communicative, won’t allow ANY type of (phone, mail, e-mail, or personal) contact, yet issues ultimatums to reach them immediately!?!?
I strongly suspect that this is a scam, but I can’t take the chance that I may be wrong.
Advice, please?
Terry Says
OK, that’s both frightening and frustrating! First step is to create an “” account at the IRS to try to understand what they are talking about. Use the link in this article.
Next step if you can figure it out is to contact the IRS taxpayer advocate:
And file this form for assistance:
Finally, don’t panic. They are indeed messed up. So they are not coming after you right away! this will get sorted out!