Ask Terry Questions Checking on a debt consolidation company

Checking on a debt consolidation company

By Terry Savage on December 29, 2014 | Credit/Debt

I have been contacted by a a company named “card Services” which has promised me a savings of $2500 if I work with them to consolidate my credit card debt. They have charged me an up front fee but I fear I have been scammed because I have yet to receive anything in writing. They keep insisting they are legit and they don’t want to harm me, but I am increasingly dubious. Are they legit? They promise me they can get the APR on my credit card debt down to zero and keep it there. Are they legit? If not, is there a company that will do this for me? I have between 10 and 15,000 of debt.


Terry Says:  I am VERY doubtful about this offer.   Most of these scams ask you to send them smaller payments so they can “negotiate” with your card issuers.  But when you stop paying your card, paying them instead, horrible things happen to your credit!   Don’t fall for this!  Call 800-388-2227 which is the toll-free number for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling.  It connects you automatically to the nearest local affiliated agency –and you can  trust them.  They will work with you to help you deal with your balances — and if necessary will set up a debt repayment plan that could lower your interest rates.  But work through them — not by a company that contacts YOU!!



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