Ask Terry Questions Credit Card Debt settlement or file for personal bankruptcy

Credit Card Debt settlement or file for personal bankruptcy

By Terry Savage on July 13, 2024 | Credit/Debt

Our son has credit card debts of approximately $62k with four different card accounts. Unfortunately, he is unemployed and in prison. He is likely to be incarcerated for two to three years. I have a POA for his finances and would like to know if you can suggest a bankruptcy attorney who can assist me with trying to reach a debt settlement on his behalf while he’s in prison.

Terry Says

First, let me refer you to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling at 800-388-2227.  That will connect you to the nearest local office.  There may be a way to settle the debt, given the circumstances, without a bk filing.  They will know — or they will direct you to a reputable bankruptcy attorney.   Obviously, this is a painful situation for you — so I want to keep you out of the hands of people who will try to rip you off for fees.

And just keep in mind that YOU are not liable for his debts!  And it won’t help for you to try to repay them.  He is paying his debts, obviously, in several ways.  So let’s hope he comes out a changed man and ready to move forward on his own.



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