Ask Terry Questions Credit Card /Reporting Error

Credit Card /Reporting Error

By Terry Savage on October 11, 2021 | Credit/Debt

I have a closed JC Penney account. The past few months I have learned there is another Kathy P in this area (same spelling even). When I checked my credit report it shows an open account for her. That account is active. It is not me and I reported the issue twice to JC Penney and the credit reporting agencies. They agree I have a closed account but insist the report is correct. I even asked them to check the SS# and have had no luck getting this off my report. Fortunately the payments are current but I do NOT have an account. How can I get this corrected please?

Terry Says

Whew, this is a tough one!! If you’ll send me an email to with details of how to contact you (but not your SS number), I will forward to my contact at one of the credit bureaus and see if they can take some steps to fix this. Could you possibly have the same names, including middle initial??



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