Credit card written off
Several cards are written off and closed yet I’m being bothered by debt collectors on these closed accounts. What can be done to stop them?
Terry Says
Under the Fair Credit Debt Protection Act, a debt collection agency has to follow certain guidelines —
Debt collectors cannot:
- Conceal their identity (unless trying to obtain your contact information)
- Call you before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. (based on your local time zone)
- Reveal information about your debt to others
- Lie or mislead you in an attempt to collect the money you owe
- Harass you, threaten you with physical harm, use obscene language or call you repeatedly to pressure you
- Collect additional interest or fees unless your original contract or state law allows
- Seize funds from your paycheck without a court order
- Call you at work if you ask them to stop
If a debt collector harasses you, threaten to (and do!) report them to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
So, how do I submit a complaint? | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (