Ask Terry Questions Credit problems may impact next job

Credit problems may impact next job

By Terry Savage on June 24, 2015 | Credit/Debt

I made some bad career choices and lost a couple jobs and ended up in debt. Now I have over $10,000 in debt and a few of these are judgements. I don’t want my wages garnished when I start my new job what should I do.

Terry Says:  You should immediately call the National Foundation for Credit Counseling at 800-388-2227 –which will connect you to the nearest local office.  They can  help you deal with your specific debts, to see how they are best remedied on your credit report.   Have you looked at your credit report recently?  Go to and pull a copy.   If you are already on the receiving end of judgments, those are surely going to show up.  The first problem you will have is getting a job — because most prospective employers pull a credit report to learn more about applicants.  It might help if you can tell them you are working with a reputable credit counseling agency to turn your life around.



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