Ask Terry Questions Credit score going down

Credit score going down

By Terry Savage on January 31, 2020 | Credit/Debt

Hi Terry. Back in july 2018 our credit score was 850 but now it seems to be going down gradually every few month. Right now it is 799. Before 2018 and since we have had no debt… no mortgage, car payments nor personal loans. We completely pay off credit cards each month. I did cosign my daughters car loan in Sept 2015 which she paid off in 2018. My Sears credit card probably had the longest history but we no longer have that. I retired in 2018 but I wouldnt think that would affect credit score. Any suggestions on how to get it back up closer to 850 . Thanks for any advice you can offer.

Terry Says

I’m wondering if because you once co-signed for your daughter’s car payment they might have comingled your score with hers. The only way to find out for sure is to go to and get a copy of your credit report — not the score, but the report — from one of he three bureaus. (All should have the same info.) It’s free and you do not have to sign up for credit monitoring. See if there are accounts you do not recognize that might have impacted your credit score.

Removing your longest-held card (who needs a Sears card anymore!) shouldn’t have that much of an impact. And your retirement shouldn’t impact your credit score eithr.

Not sure where you’re getting your score, but I would go to to get your score. You can contact them and ask why the score has declined that much. I understand your concern. Please write back and let me know their response.



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