
By Terry Savage on August 14, 2024 | Credit/Debt

Due to the Pandemic and my subsequent surgeries, I have not been able to find work. My credit card bills are accumulating Interest rates are higher and I am having a problem living off only my Social Security. I lost money during my Divorce and a conniving husband.

Any way I can consolidate my credit cards and not pay such a higher interest. I spent last fall
moving some of my accounts to 0 interest rates for15 months. So now I am at a loss as to what to do. Iam 74 yrs old and have physical issues so many jobs I cannot do amymore. Suggestions?

Terry Says

Immediately contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling at 800-388-2227. You can trust their advice. They will go over your debts and your current income, and may be able to help you get some debt written off. Plan B is bankruptcy. And they will help with that if necessary.



a personal
finance question