Identity Theft for Business ID stolen
Hello Terry
My tax preparer applied for extension on s corporation taxes for 2020.
Apparently he gets a message stating some one already filed taxes.
Cannot get thru IRS over the phone.
Any suggestions.
Your help much appreciated
Listen to you on John Williams weekly show
Terry Says
Ugh, this is the second time today I’ve heard that a tax return was filed using someone’s (in this case your corporation’s) tax ID or SS number.
Obviously you need to immediately contact the IRS and notify them of this theft. If you can’t get through (and your accountant should be able to get through) then try the Taxpayer’s Advocate office at 1-877-777-4778.
Then you have the difficult job of working with the IRS to make sure they haven’t used your corporate ID to open other loans, or compromise your company credit. Here’s a link to the IRS page on Identity Theft for business.
This is a bit out of my territory but I suggest you also report this to the FBI — at 1-800-CALL-FBI.