Ask Terry Questions Medicare Part B IRMAA

Medicare Part B IRMAA

By Terry Savage on December 18, 2022 | Insurance & Annuities

Hi, My Medicare Premium just doubled per month because of our 2021 tax return. We filed married, jointly, and our adjusted gross income was $270,195.00 plus $6,159 in tax-exempt interested income for a Modified Adjust Gross Income (MAGI). I have not talked to my tax accountant yet and am afraid to call Medicare . Plus, not sure if it matters to call. What do you suggest? BTW< just purchased our first TBill this week per your suggestion. Thank you.

Terry Says

For those who are reading, IRMAA is a surcharge that people with income above a certain amount must pay in addition to their Medicare Part B and Part D premiums. The Social Security Administration (SSA) determines who pays an IRMAA based on the income reported 2 years prior.

So you won’t really feel the impact until 2023 — right around the corner.

For purposes of 2023 premiums, assuming you are married filing jointly, if you earned:
$194,000 to $246,000 — you’ll pay $230.80 monthly plus $12.20 more each month for Medicare Part D
$246,000 to $306,000 — you’ll pay $329.70 for Medicare Part B, plus $31.50 additional each month for Part D
$306,000 to $366,000 — Part B costs $428.60 plus $50.70 for Part D
$366,000 and under $750,000 gives you a monthly Part B premium of $527.50
and income over $750,000 leads to a Medicare monthly Part B premium of $560.60

As you can see, it all adds up. You CAN appeal if this was a one-time event that put you into a higher bracket, and you can show your income dropped back down in the subsequent year.
This information will help you understand the appeals process:



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