Ask Terry Questions medicare plan D

medicare plan D

By Terry Savage on November 17, 2024 | Insurance & Annuities

Is the zero cost zero copay plan D the way to go if my drugs are covered. Is there a catch? Seems too good to be true. Are future drugs not covered and then cost more?

Terry Says

I know. That’s exactly what I thought when I found a zero cost plan! It’s why I really started digging into this issue! Yes, these zero cost plans will likely last only one year — then we will have to switch again. They came because of a quirk in the law this year. The government added a “sweetener” to the insurance providers in order to keep premiums from rising under the new $2,000 cap. So some plans, particularly WellCare, used it as a marketing opportunity to get new clients. If you’re only taking some basic generic drugs, you really can pay zero. Yep, ZERO for those drugs.
And like all plans, if your doc adds new drugs during the year, you’ll have to see if they are covered and in what tier with what co-pays. It’s sort of a “blind” hope that you won’t run into issues later in the year. But if you do, and your drugs are covered, your max out-of-pocket will be $2000!
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