Ask Terry Questions Moving $$ from Jackson Annuity

Moving $$ from Jackson Annuity

By Terry Savage on April 14, 2023 | Insurance & Annuities

I’m 71 moving $ 400K from Jackson which was aggressive with a 3 % charge. I’m being suggested to move to another less aggressive with a 1 % fee. What would you suggest if you agree would be a reasonable term? Jackson was 7 yrs with initial garrantee $ 525 k but now down to 464k can you help me down the right path ?

Terry Says

Wait. It sounds like youre jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. I’d need a lot more details to give you any advice. But I have a better idea so I know you won’t get taken for a ride. Call Stan the Annuity Man — the true expert and good guy in this industry. His website is
And his tollfree number is 800.509.6473

Ask for him personally and use my name. I know you will get the right advice. And please write back and let me know what happens.



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