Ask Terry Questions Personal finance for car purchase

Personal finance for car purchase

By Terry Savage on October 04, 2021 | Credit/Debt

I am about $11,000 in credit card debit and in need to purchase a car before the new year. I have 111000 miles on my present vehicle and I still owe on my vehicle. What should I do? Car loan and a personal loan to get rid of the car and credit car debt and can your son come with me to buy a new or used car? I hope this all makes sense to you. You can call me too @. Thank you for your time.

Terry Says

You are already in a deep hole. And the first rule of getting out of a debt hole is to stop digging! Your proposed solution is not the answer. YOu need to sit down with someone who can look at your entire financial picture and give you specific advice. I recommend you contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling at 800-388-2227. That will connect you to the nearest local office. YOu can trust them, and do it by phone. And it’s typically free.
I never buy a car without my son! Don’t know whether youre referring to YOUR son or mine! But I see from your name that you’re a woman — and many studies have shown that women pay more for cars! So when you eventually do resolve this, definitely have a smart guy accompany you to the negotiations!



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