Ask Terry Questions Protection against data breach and possible ensuing fraud

Protection against data breach and possible ensuing fraud

By Terry Savage on November 19, 2023 | Credit/Debt

I just received a letter from Cook County Health about their data breach and the steps I should take to protect myself against possible fraud. What are your recommendations for people like me involved in this kind of breach? Somehow I am not inclined to rely on Cook County’s advice as they put my data in a vulnerable position in the first place. Thanks, Terry!

Terry Says

Haha! I’m betting that every single American over the age of 21 has been involved in some sort of data breach. The best thing you can do is freeze your credit report at all 3 bureaus.
Read this:

That way, no one can open new credit in your name. At the same time, check online for your bank and credit card statements every week, to make sure there are no unauthorized purchases.

I haven’t recommended purchasing identity theft protection if you can stay alert. You are guaranteed and insured against loss by your bank and credit card companies, although it can be a time-consuming hassle to fix a problem if one occurs.



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