Ask Terry Questions Request reconsideration non-medical of IRMAA decision

Request reconsideration non-medical of IRMAA decision

By Terry Savage on December 20, 2024 | Insurance & Annuities

For 2023 I received a lump pension payout and an inheritance. Social Security mailed notice of increase in my IRMAA based on 2023 MAGI and 60 days to file an appeal.

Because these two events that caused the SSA to lift me to a higher IRMAA tier do not fall under the 7 life-changing events to request a new decision, is it worth it to file a non-medical appeal (Request for Reconsideration SSA-561-U2)? That is, would I be wasting my time because SSA would reject the appeal out of hand based on the lump sum pension and inheritance as one time “change events” they deem nonapplicable.

Terry Says

Go ahead and file. It will take a while for reconsideration. You will definitely have to pay the higher premiums THIS coming year, based on income from two years ago. But that appeal will make sure the premiums drop back down in 2026.



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