Ask Terry Questions Still working after 70, and with an HSA and Medicare Part A (only). Should I cancel my Medicare A ?

Still working after 70, and with an HSA and Medicare Part A (only). Should I cancel my Medicare A ?

By Terry Savage on October 26, 2019 | Insurance & Annuities

Back in the day, before High Deductible Health Care from work, It was recommended (not by you) that I sign up for Medicare Part A, since there is no annual cost. However, I’ve now read that I can’t have both an HSA and any part of Medicare. Should I cancel participation in Medicare, stop using my HSA, or other suggestions?

Terry Says

Stop contributing to your HSA, and stick with Medicare Part A. You don’t want to fool around with that. Depending on the number of people in your company plan, it is likely that you MUST have Part A, as the primary payer. Then just hope they don’t catch up with you on the HSA contributions you’ve made since signing up for Medicare!

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