Ask Terry Questions Student loan – can’t pay full amount

Student loan – can’t pay full amount

By Terry Savage on August 09, 2015 | College Savings / Student Loans

Thank you Terry for your response to my student loan question. My loans are through Nelnet and I believe these are federal loans. The loan servicer informed me that based on my income, my payment is $381.00 per month. I am paying what I can on the loan but since it is not the full amount there are late charges now added on to the payment amount each month.

Terry Says:  OK, since it is a Federal student loan, then you may be eligible for an income-based repayment plan.  Go to to learn more.  If you qualify those late charges will no longer apply and you will have a manageable payment, based on your income.  Interest will continue to accrue — stretching out the term of the loan, but at least you will be on the right track.



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