Ask Terry Questions student loans, student tuitions

student loans, student tuitions

By Terry Savage on May 22, 2021 | College Savings / Student Loans

Today saw your column published in the Syracuse Post Standard regarding student loans. Why isn’t the exhorbinant costs of college tuitions being investigated and addressed? In 1955 the cost of one semester at Syracuse University was about $755.00. In 2020 $700.00 equivalent is $6737.00. WHY IS NO ONE REPORTING WHY THE TUITIONS ARE SO HIGH?!

Terry Says

I’ve written about that many times. First, there’s inflation But inflation in college costs has far outstripped the Consumer Price Index. The answer is because the government almost completely took over the student loan program a decade ago, handing out lots of money. AND the schools raised prices because they could, because there was so much money flowing into tuition support. AND no one (the government) held schools responsible for the outcomes — ie, could students get jobs after graduation? (And remember, many of the loans went to students in “trade school” ripoffs! AND, no one projected the consequences of loan payments with interest in the future, so many students thought ofit as “free money.” And the list goes on!!!

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