Unemployment fraud
Dear Terry, Unfourtunately, I received a letter from springfield deniying me unemployment benefits, which I never made a claim for in the first place. Then they sent me somekind of debit card. Crazy, Huh? i’m trying to follow alll of your advise on freezing my credit, but I have 2 addresses that I get mail at. One my Mom’s a nd secound my Fiance’s. I got the letter and card and the latter address, but not as yet to my original address where my Social Security Disabilty and Insurance goes to. I do not have any credit card info going to my old address. I am uncomfortable changing my original address yet, untill I am officially married. When filling out the first “freeze form, they ask if I’ve been at my fiance’s address where I got the unemployment letter and card if I ‘ve been at this location for more than 6 months. Well, I’ve been at both places for over 6 month’s. any thoughts on what to do on how to freeze my credit at both addresss? Also will this affect my Disabity payments at my original address, considering someone has my SS#? Any Advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Sincerely, Donna
Terry Says
First look at your credit reports! See what address they use as your primary. Freeze your credit using that address. Then when you get married, update your address. But get it frozen right now. It’s the SS# that counts the most in freezing your credit!
And be sure to look for any new accounts opened in your name or any bank inquiries. Do everything on this list. When it comes to reporting to IDES use the new address that was used for the fraud.