Ask Terry Questions Unwanted Magazines I did not order!

Unwanted Magazines I did not order!

By Terry Savage on June 14, 2022 | Credit/Debt

Hope you can heip me. I continue to receive magazines that I did not order. The magazines are addressed to my home but not my name. it is frustrating, because I wonder what is happening. I just received another magazine today to a different name than usual but my address. I hope you can help me.

Terry Says

OK, this one is a tough one to answer, because these magazines don’t have your name on them, just your address.
Look inside to find the magazine contact information and if there is no toll-free number to call, then write to them, and tear off the label — and tell them to stop sending any material. If you call, have the magazine label handy so you can tell them exactly what’s on it.

There is also a way to get a name off this kind of mailing list. Don’t use YOUR name, but DO use the name on the magazines that are arriving and contact these people: Create an account at, known as the Direct Marketing Association’s consumer website. It allows you to unsubscribe from specific catalogs, as well as magazine and credit card offers for yourself and deceased relatives. contacts the companies to unsubscribe for you, but this process takes time—between 30 to 90 days. There’s a $2 registration fee to set up your account that allows access to the site for 10 years.

Finally, I think you should go to and check your credit at one of the three bureaus. Do NOT sign up for credit monitoring. Just get your credit report online and see if there are any cards or accounts you do not recognize. If you see a problem please write back to me and I’ll tell you how to proceed.



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