Terry’s Columns

Terry Savage’s Archives

Below you will find the columns terry has written by date.

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Below you will find the columns terry has written by date.

Now’s The Time to Create Your Budget

December 19, 2016

Making a budget is likely at the bottom of your “to do” list at this time of year, but when is a better time to do it? Now you can look back at all of your spending — and overspending. And it’s the perfect time to plan for the year ahead. Here are three easy..

Start Repaying Student Loans Now

December 08, 2016

An entire generation has graduated into debt that may not be easy to repay. And if you graduated last Spring, now is the time you must start the repayment process. Read It Here

Special Report: Free Mortgage Down Payment Money!

A bank is granting free money to help you with a down payment on a house! It sounds too good to be true, but it actually is true. Here are the details. Read It Here

Small Biz Health Ins Deal Beats Obamacare Exchanges

There’s a little-known “quirk” in the Affordable Care Act that allows small businesses a chance to offer employees – even if as few as one employee enrolls – a job –based plan that is equivalent to the best deals offered by major insurers. Read It Here

Best Gift — 529 College Savings Plan

The best gift of all is a good education. So consider opening a 529 College Savings plan account for your children or grandchildren. Read It Here

2016 Holiday Money Gifts for Children

Every year at this time I give some suggestions for holiday presents that have real financial meaning for your children and grandchildren. Read It Here

Best Gift — 529 College Savings Plan

November 29, 2016

The best gift of all is a good education. So before you start shopping for holiday gifts for your children or grandchildren, consider opening a 529 College Savings plan account. These tax-sheltered college savings incentives are easy to open, require no major investment decisions, and this gift will be appreciated far into the future. Here..

Obamacare Signup Tips

November 01, 2016

It's time to make choices about plans offered under the Affordable Care Act, known as ACA or Obamacare. Read It Here

The Election and the Market

As the election draws near, many people are wondering about the impact on their investment portfolios. Read It Here

Medicare Part D — Drug Test!

It’s time for your annual drug test. And ignoring it could be very costly. Read It Here

It’s Still the Economy, Stupid

October 10, 2016

The silence about the economy in this political season is deafening. Read It Here

Cheated — or Escheated?

October 03, 2016

What would you do if you looked at your quarterly statement and the stocks in your account were gone — simply gone? Read It Here

Check Your Risk Exposure

September 21, 2016

Have you ever made a list of all our personal risks and vulnerabilities? It can be a shocking undertaking. But corporations across America are now required to do "enterprise risk management" (ERM) studies. And so should you. The difficult part of this project is figuring out where to start. Here are a few areas you..

Debt Relief for Seniors, Disabled

September 20, 2016

Imagine being a senior citizen, living on Social Security and perhaps a small fixed pension, and trying to deal with the rising costs of living. Or imagine being a disabled person with no hope of earning additional money to make ends meet. Read It Here

Start FAFSA Now!

September 14, 2016

There’s a big change coming in FAFSA – the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. And if you miss out on the new, earlier deadline, you just might miss out on a lot of money! Read It Here

How Fed Hike Would Hit You

September 12, 2016

The Federal Reserve Board has been threatening to raise interest rates for almost two years. And now it really seems poised to take the second rate hike step of the past 10 years. Read It Here

Social Security and Generation Warfare

August 23, 2016

Will you receive your Social Security check? It’s a question that’s about to divide generations and confront politicians. Read It Here

Beat the Market?

July 25, 2016

It's been a great five years for the stock market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 have made new all-time highs. You could hardly miss making money in the stock market -- except if you were a mutual fund manager. S&P Dow Jones Indexes has just released a report showing that over the..

Help With Health Insurance Choices

June 27, 2016

Making decisions about health insurance is complicated and potentially very costly. It's no surprise that Americans don't do a great job of it. It takes work to figure out the best health insurance options. And few people take the time to do it right. Alegeus Healthcare, a provider of platforms for corporate insurance plans, compiles..

Campaign For Investors — Help for You

May 30, 2016

Just in time, some very powerful forces are lining up on the side of the individual investor vs. those in the financial services industry who have been overcharging and urging investors into flawed products. The timing is critical because the baby boom generation is rolling trillions of dollars out of company 401(k) plans and into..



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