Terry’s Columns

Terry Savage’s Archives

Below you will find the columns terry has written by date.

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Below you will find the columns terry has written by date.

Tax Time

March 20, 2023

It’s that time of year again – income tax time. If you’ve already filed your return, pat yourself on the back. But if you’re one of the millions who procrastinate, here are some helpful reminders along with some tax changes that you might not have noticed since you haven’t started doing your return: • Tax..

Banking Crisis Update — What Happened?

March 19, 2023

Update: March 19th. I posted the article below on Monday, March 13th -- and everything I wrote has been verified over the past five days. The "crisis of confidence" spread to other regional banks, and one big Swiss bank that had previously suffered from poor management and made serious lending errors. But over the past..

Social Security Horror Stories

March 05, 2023

Social security makes mistakes. Big ones. If they miscalculated and underpaid you for many years, you might never find out. But these days, many people are getting letters from Social Security saying they have been OVERpaid for many years. And Social Security demands you return such overpayments even if the overpayments were Social Security’s mistake!..

What Happened to the Market?

March 02, 2023

Clint Eastwood said it memorably: “Do you feel lucky?” Now, superimpose Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s stern visage squinting at the markets and asking that question. It’s a message to stock market bulls who started out the year in euphoria, believing the Fed was about to declare victory over inflation — and might even be forced..

Best Books

February 27, 2023

Facts are easy to find in this era of the internet. But good advice is somewhat more elusive. Since my “brand” is The Savage Truth, my goal has always been to expose my readers and viewers to the best advice that is not motivated by hidden costs and incentives. Every year I find a book..

You Broke Your Debt Promise

During the pandemic It looked so easy to avoid credit card debt. You couldn’t go out to dinner and you didn’t need to buy clothes for work. And you were scared, very scared about what the world would look like in the future. You promised to be good. And then the world reopened. Suddenly, it..

An Annuity that Works for You (MYGA)

February 15, 2023

Though I’ve previously warned against many annuities, with good reason, this column will focus on one type of annuity that might serve a very good short-term purpose in your financial plan. That product is a fixed-rate multi-year fixed-rate guaranteed annuity – or MYGA. With a term ranging from 3 to 10 years, this insurance contract..

ChatGPT – The Future is Now!

February 05, 2023

Every few years, something really “new” comes along, sneaking into our vocabularies and our way of interacting with money. Then suddenly, it reaches a tipping point and becomes ubiquitous. I like to keep an eye out for those life-changing opportunities, which mostly revolve around technology. Change is inevitable, and it’s up to us to make..

529 Plans Even Better Now

January 23, 2023

The best way to save for college for your children and grandchildren is a 529 College Savings plan. And, the recent Secure 2.0 legislation created some improvements on this great product. The tax advantages make 529 plans the clear winner for college planning and saving. Tax Benefits Money saved in a 529 College Savings Plan..

New Student Loan Proposal

A new proposal by the Biden administration would dramatically cut federal student loan monthly payments in half, with monthly payments as low as ZERO for more borrowers, while completely wiping out the remaining balance for some borrowers after ten years of payments. Unlike the previous proposal which involved debt forgiveness, this is merely a generous..

Open the Envelope, please!

January 18, 2023

Some bad news is coming in the mail. Be prepared to face up to it immediately. Open the envelopes – the credit card bills and the brokerage statements. The card balances likely total more than you expected. And the brokerage or mutual fund statements likely show less than you hoped. Here’s what to do about..

Money Tips for the New Year

January 07, 2023

1. Get Organized –That’s the most important thing you can do to start the new year. You can’t go forward if you don’t know where you’re starting from! Lists are important, as are files – whether on paper or on your computer. A disorganized mind will destroy your financial future. To help you in this..

Costs Add Up

December 30, 2022

How much did you pay in investment costs and fees last year? If you’re like most investors, you don’t even have a ballpark idea. And those costs can add up – or better yet, subtract out – of your long term investment goals. This is a perfect time to uncover the hidden costs you paid..

Count Your Blessings — and Share Them!

December 28, 2022

The shopping rush is over, and holiday dinners digested. This is a perfect time to sit back and count your blessings. And share them! Expressing gratitude for your own blessings does not mean that you don’t have any problems -- whether financial, emotional, or family. Everyone does. But if you have the luxury of reading..

Secure Act 2.0 for Retirement Savings

December 23, 2022

Congress gave American workers a last minute holiday gift – a set of new incentives to save more for retirement. Passed just before Congress adjourned, as part of the huge Omnibus spending bill, the Secure Act 2.0 increases limits on many retirement plans and creates a few new opportunities for workers to become more financially..

Holiday Credit Card Traps

December 21, 2022

Everyone likes a little recognition – a sense of being known and appreciated. Perhaps that’s why I must admit I get a little rush when I’m shopping online, choose PayPal to pay, and I instantly get a message that says: “We recognize you on this device, Terry. You don’t have to sign in!” That always..

Rollover Now

December 18, 2022

If you have several IRAs or leftover 401(k) plans from previous employers, this is a perfect time to consolidate them in one IRA rollover account. Not only will this simplify your financial recorded-keeping, but it will create an opportunity to access one of the best and safest investment opportunities for your money. So don’t let..

When to Take Social Security

December 14, 2022

Social security decisions are among the most complex and impactful choices seniors must make. The most critical decision revolves around “when” to take your benefits: “early” (at age 62 when you get reduced benefits); at “full retirement age” (around 68 now); or delaying until the last possible moment (age 70,when you must start taking benefits)...

Year-End Tax Planning

November 27, 2022

The steps you take in the month of December could save you tax dollars next April. Now is the time to take the steps that can reduce your tax bill for 2022, and lay the groundwork for a financially smart New Year. Taxes and Deductions: For 2022, the “standard deduction” jumps to $12,950 for a..

Holiday Financial Gifts for Grandchildren & More

November 25, 2022

Every year around this time, I try to make helpful holiday gift suggestions for the younger people in your family. Toys, clothes, and digital games rate highest with young people. But the holiday season is a great time to spark new interest in money matters – or, at the very least, create a gift that..



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